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E Edwardian cars built 1905-1918. Tony Lees 104.84secs Vauxhall Viper  04/2015

B Bugatti cars Edmund Burgess 97.51secs Bugatti

Type 51 04/2015

1A Pre1941 cars to 750cc unsupercharged Derren D'Archambaud 109.97secs Austin 7 Sports 04/2024

1B Pre1941 cars 751-1100cc unsuper/750cc supercharged

Gary Clare 95.86secs JAP Grannie  04/2016

1C Pre1941 cars 1101-1500cc unsuper/1100cc supercharged. Ewan Cameron 87.36secs Morgan 3 wheel sports 04/2014

1D Pre1941 cars 1501-2000cc unsuper/1500cc supercharged  

Adam Smith 89.02secs Frazer Nash Supersport 04/2017

1E Pre1941 2001-3000cc unsupercharged/2000cc supercharged

Tim Greenhill 88.29secs Wolseley Hornet Special  04/2015

1F Pre1941cars 3001cc & over unsuper/2000cc supercharged Dougal Cawley 93.09secs Fraser Nash GN Piglet  04/2016

1G Pre1941 Three-wheeled vehicles

Sue Darbyshire 87.33secs Morgan Super Aero  04/2016

2A Pre1968 classic road saloon & sports cars up to 1500cc David Musgrove 81.67secs Morris Mini Mk2  04/2011


2B Pre1968 classic road saloon & sports cars 1500cc-2000ccc

Tim Greenhill 85.50secs MG B 04/2022

2C Pre1968 classic road saloon & sports cars 2001cc-3000cc 

Robert Barnard 87.14secs Triumph TR4  04/2018


2D Pre1968 classic road saloon & sports cars over 3001cc

Steve Thompson 75.49secs Ford Mustang 04/2018


3A Pre1981 classic road saloon & sports cars up to 1500cc

Tony Mitchell 84.85secs Austin Mini Cooper S 4/2018


3B Pre1981 classic road saloon & sports cars 15001-2000cc

Connor Corkhill 74.32secs Ford Escort RS1800  04/2013 


3C Pre1981 classic road saloon& sports cars 2001cc-3000cc

Martin Ellis 78.52secs Talbot Sunbeam Lotus  04/2018 


3D Pre1981 classice road saloon & sports cars over 3001cc

David Rushton 77.34secs Morgan Plus 8  04/2016 

4A Post 1981road legal saloon & sports cars up to 2000cc

Rob Hill 77.00secs Toyota Yaris GR  04/2023


4B Post 1981 road legal saloon & sports cars 2001cc & over

Robbie Birrell 69.46secs Porsche Cayman 04/2024


4C Junior Hillclimb drivers aged 14-16

To be established


5A Pre1981 sports libre cars up to 2000cc

Malcolm Livingston 83.18secs Lotus 7 04/2023 


5B Pre1981 sports libre cars 2001cc and over

Steve Thompson 76.42secs Ford Mustang 04/2024 


6C Post 1981 sports libre cars up to 2000cc

Simon Clemow 69.42secs Radical SR1 04/2024


6D Post 1981 sports libre cars 2100cc and over 

Mike Manning 68.43secs Ford Puma  04/2013


8A Pre 1974 Formal Ford Cars built up to 31/12/1973

To be established 


8B Formula Ford cars manufactured on or after 01/01/1974

To be established


8C Racing cars manufactured up to 31/12/1972

Dave Roberts 72.60secs McLaren M18  04/2024


8D Racing cars manufactured up to 31/12/1990

To be established


8E Racing cars manufactured after 1 Jan 1991

To be established


IN1 Invintation class 1 

To be established 


IN2 Invitation class 2 

To be established 


IN3 Invitation class 3 

To be established 


IN4 Invitation class 4 

To be established 




Photo Credit: Chris Berrisford, Racing With Insite

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